Sara (oldest granddaughter) 28th September 2022

My nanny, my world, my best friend, life is never going to be the same with out you! I had you for 34 years of my life and I got to spend the last 4 weeks of your life living with you where I helped you as much as I could until you had to go into the hospice for the last week. The 4 weeks were hard but there were alot of memories myself and you made we had giggles we had tears but most of all we had a lot of love for one another. Nanny im sorry I could not take this horrible disease away and I wish I could have but I know that deep down grandad just needed his Queen back. I hope I made you proud and I hope I continue to make you proud. I'm still waiting for my phone to ring and you to be checking in on myself and lewy. Nanny im going to miss you so much. Thankyou for some amazing memories and thankyou for being the grandmother a granddaughter needed. Give grandad the biggest kiss and cuddle and look after each other. Il see you again someday. I love you forever and always. Sweet dreams my nanny. Your Sara. XxxxxxxxxxX