Lewy x 29th September 2022

I'll see you again gorgeous. Fly with the angels. It was the day after my Nan Polly went too, God must have needed angels and now he has two, The tears in our eyes I saw in sara and laura, The bloom in your garden with lots of flora. We try so hard to remember your smile, We sit and weep with thoughts a while. The heavens came down and took you away, Now we prepare for your special day. Filled with flowers to honour you, You're one in a million a special few. We dread the thought of seeing you gone We sit and wonder but for how long. We will meet again, this I can see, I'll sail my own boat if needs be. I can see John and Clive miss you so very much, To hug their mum and to feel your touch. Everything they say, has to come to and end, Your more than a Nan a mum or even a friend. Because now you're an angel you shine so bright. Let your wings go, fly high take flight. It may have been short but this poems for you, You're one in a million one in a few x Love Lewy